i think i'm getting a cold.

i need to go get some grapefruit airbourne. and oranges. and citrus halls defense. and warm herbal tea in a large mug. and a warm fuzzy blanket and a book to curl up with. and someone to massage my feet...

now i want a cold.

last night we were sitting around swapping college stories and i was asked if i missed college. i love my life now so i don't really miss it all that much, but here is a list of things i did rather enjoy:

-the tables next to the windows on the second floor of the library
-big library $1 cookies (roughly the size of a desert plate)
-sneaking back to my apartment across the parking lot in the middle of the night from whatever shanaigans i was up to, whether it be movies, games, friends or boys
(lindsey up to shinanigans?! shocking! ;)
-old main hill
-bugging reily when i made stinky tuna bc that was like all i could afford
(nose like a bloodhound, that one! it would be hours later and she would still know!)
-dancing to "no life without wife" with jamie
-jamie, anne, reily, jen, camille & jana- best roomates ever
(okay anne wasn't my roommate but close enough)
-making fun of the "girlfriends" sign
-statesman dedications
-scotsman dogs- neither hamburger nor hotdog, an aggie fav
-grilled ham & cheese @ the hub
(many a math class spent @ the hub instead with my mac. good times)
-jim cangelosi
(a man who changes lives and attitudes and either everyone loves his stinkin' guts or they hate him for having an opinion. thanks to jim & barb his wife, i learned anything about teaching in college)
and many another memory!

i call BULL S*** on the 700 billion government bailout.

and so does everyone in my office.
why are we bailing out companies with bad business practices?
why are we going to pay for the govn't to manipluate the market?

everyone should be paying attention- this might get REALLY ugly.


so if melissa posts it on HER blog, that must mean i'm allowed to!!

my sister is prego with #4 miracle baby.

not only are the first three handsome, beautiful, funny, smart little people, they also cost alot of money and prayers and begging and time and needles.

#4 comes needle free and just 8 months behind the twinners.

i have never been so excited about something in my life as when she told me! (i knew very very first even before jes, by luck, but it still counts!!)

i guess i'd just like to throw my vote in that good people deserve blessings and since my sister is by all accounts a fabulous mother and strong celestially-minded person, Heavenly Father in his infinite kindness gave her another baby. for free.

now that's just generous of Him, is it not?

If you haven't noticed yet, in the time we've been friends, or blog buddies, or distant relatives, or not acquaintances at all, I LOVE quoting things. LOVE it. Well... I decided to take all the movie lines and song lyrics I think of throughout the day(which is A LOT p.s.) and put them on a blog. I am joined on said blog by none other than my sisterface Melissa and blogger-extraordinaire friend Merzy.
With no other adieu, I present to you our quote blog:

Enjoy & Happy Quoting.

"I won't run if I can't win."
"You won't win if you don't run."
-Chariots of Fire

this whole move has been the cause of much meditation.
my mother often used this line to illustrate the necessity of DOING. words and thoughts are all nice and everything, but to DO is a much nobler profession.

now the question is, WHAT to do?

i traded my #3 drink for a vanilla shake. yes, it made my stomach hurt. almost instantly. was it worth it?
oh baby, yeah!

there he sat. perhaps 5'4. small. aged well. he looked like he had worked hard and never gained a pound. on a small wooden park bench in laguna beach, sat my new favorite man.
there he sat, serene as can be. calm and peaceful, relaxed looking at the ocean.
with a small portable dvd player sitting next to him on the bench.
playing intense middle eastern club music.
the end.

be warned: you are about to wander into lonely territory. this may be my most depressing blog yet.

there comes a time in every man's life, when we need to make hard decisions. ones that may affect us everyday.
i am here to announce my friends....
i am giving up ice cream.
(gasp!! oh NO. WHY???)well, do to a recent science experiment
( i was once a chem major, that makes me an expert on such things...)
i discovered dairy makes me sick and chocolate gives me MAJOR headaches.

i scream.
you scream.
we all can't scream for ice cream.
i love you, jerry.
ben, i'll miss the good times.

i'm over it today. i need my own space. HF please help us find an apt. FAST.

my first experience with the bathroom "mirror talk" was the summer when todd came home from college, before his mission. i was a little peeved bc i'd gotten used to having a bathroom all to myself, and i forgot what disgust a boy can bring into the picture. luckily, me and todd had some things in common. like picking zits. and boy/girl stories. brushing our teeth. it was then i discovered the miraculous power of... mirror talk. for some reason, even though you are standing 3 inches away from this other person, you look at them through the mirror. (don't deny it, you all do it, too) all the sudden its a little more comfortable, a little more open, a little more friendly.
in the days of high school i chatted with my mom, friends while we got ready on a friday night, in college it was the late night stress-relievers. the bathroom was the great mediator.
i think i have shared more stories, secrets, cried, smiled and laughed standing in front of a bathroom mirror than any other place. you just know you can love someone if you can love them with their face backwards or watching them brush their teeth or washing their face.
i find you can loosen up, talk, and act in a way completely separate and different than any other space you share with a person.

open scene, tuesday morning, meredith and lindsey getting ready for work.

meredith(singing, NOT quietly to herself but outloud): "bobbing along, bobbing along (lindsey joins while picking at her face in the mirror) on the bottom of the beautiful, briney sea!! what a chance to get a better peep at the plants a creatures of the deep..."

both trail off... and continue getting ready. end scene.

today i was driving home from returning a shirt to forever 21.
LITERALLY 3 white lexus suv's drive passed me all in a row. THREE!!! all white. all the same model. what are the odds?

it is this moment, then, that i think...are they lexuses or lex-I?
it is not octupusES but octopI.
has the universe determined this VERY important matter?
did the makers even THINK about what english perplexities would be caused by their choice of name??!!

i choose lexi.

i can change a tire with no one's help at all. i feel good about that.
read merzy's post from today :)
click here.