last night we were sitting around swapping college stories and i was asked if i missed college. i love my life now so i don't really miss it all that much, but here is a list of things i did rather enjoy:
-the tables next to the windows on the second floor of the library
-big library $1 cookies (roughly the size of a desert plate)
-sneaking back to my apartment across the parking lot in the middle of the night from whatever shanaigans i was up to, whether it be movies, games, friends or boys
(lindsey up to shinanigans?! shocking! ;)
-old main hill
-bugging reily when i made stinky tuna bc that was like all i could afford
(nose like a bloodhound, that one! it would be hours later and she would still know!)
-dancing to "no life without wife" with jamie
-jamie, anne, reily, jen, camille & jana- best roomates ever
(okay anne wasn't my roommate but close enough)
-making fun of the "girlfriends" sign
-statesman dedications
-scotsman dogs- neither hamburger nor hotdog, an aggie fav
-grilled ham & cheese @ the hub
(many a math class spent @ the hub instead with my mac. good times)
-jim cangelosi
(a man who changes lives and attitudes and either everyone loves his stinkin' guts or they hate him for having an opinion. thanks to jim & barb his wife, i learned anything about teaching in college)
and many another memory!