"I won't run if I can't win."
"You won't win if you don't run."
-Chariots of Fire

this whole move has been the cause of much meditation.
my mother often used this line to illustrate the necessity of DOING. words and thoughts are all nice and everything, but to DO is a much nobler profession.

now the question is, WHAT to do?

3 idears & thinks:

amberd. said...

Profound my friend.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Are you FREAKIN' kidding me? I love this movie. I own it on DVD. I put the dvd in my computer and uploaded the "traning" music, because it isn't on the soundtrack? From whence cometh the strength to finish the race? From within.

My favorite part, though, is when Eric runs the preliminary trial, gets pushed out of bounds...sits on the ground for only a second, discouraged...and then gets up and actually wins the race! I just got goosebumps writing that.

Hope you're having fun!

Anonymous said...

That's "Leavitt Agency" Ken, btw.