my first experience with the bathroom "mirror talk" was the summer when todd came home from college, before his mission. i was a little peeved bc i'd gotten used to having a bathroom all to myself, and i forgot what disgust a boy can bring into the picture. luckily, me and todd had some things in common. like picking zits. and boy/girl stories. brushing our teeth. it was then i discovered the miraculous power of... mirror talk. for some reason, even though you are standing 3 inches away from this other person, you look at them through the mirror. (don't deny it, you all do it, too) all the sudden its a little more comfortable, a little more open, a little more friendly.
in the days of high school i chatted with my mom, friends while we got ready on a friday night, in college it was the late night stress-relievers. the bathroom was the great mediator.
i think i have shared more stories, secrets, cried, smiled and laughed standing in front of a bathroom mirror than any other place. you just know you can love someone if you can love them with their face backwards or watching them brush their teeth or washing their face.
i find you can loosen up, talk, and act in a way completely separate and different than any other space you share with a person.

open scene, tuesday morning, meredith and lindsey getting ready for work.

meredith(singing, NOT quietly to herself but outloud): "bobbing along, bobbing along (lindsey joins while picking at her face in the mirror) on the bottom of the beautiful, briney sea!! what a chance to get a better peep at the plants a creatures of the deep..."

both trail off... and continue getting ready. end scene.

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