so if melissa posts it on HER blog, that must mean i'm allowed to!!

my sister is prego with #4 miracle baby.

not only are the first three handsome, beautiful, funny, smart little people, they also cost alot of money and prayers and begging and time and needles.

#4 comes needle free and just 8 months behind the twinners.

i have never been so excited about something in my life as when she told me! (i knew very very first even before jes, by luck, but it still counts!!)

i guess i'd just like to throw my vote in that good people deserve blessings and since my sister is by all accounts a fabulous mother and strong celestially-minded person, Heavenly Father in his infinite kindness gave her another baby. for free.

now that's just generous of Him, is it not?

3 idears & thinks:

amberd. said...

Very Generous Indeed! I think she is defintitely wonderful and strong and very celecstially minded! Now you get to go buy MORE cute little baby clothes for the NEPHEW. I'm calling it! lol!

liNdsEYloO said...

oh for sure!! i call campbell smith is finally going to make his debut.

The Fife's said...

I am still in shock, but very excited. I know she will have her hands full, but it is so exciting!! I hope you are having fun in California.