today i tutored brighton in the lovely art of set theory via picture messages and email.
it sorta worked.
and it reminded me how much i love math,
i do!
and how i'm not afraid to admit it.

it reminded me of the time time mike sent me a picture message of a math problem, i did it in my head, and then wrote down the answer on a receipt and picture messaged back the answer.
afterwhich, i found out he was taking a test.
dang it.

3 idears & thinks:

Leon said...

Hey, 'member that time when I got a text message that said, "Help! I forget what a sideways union symbol means. With or without a like under it." I'm assuming the like meant line...and 'member when you had to rely on the knowledge of a STATISTICIAN!?!?! Hahahaha!

Go Stats!

Dixon Leavitt said...

i remember that. he was taking the online test at my counter, about 15 minutes before it was due

Shauna said...

Nerd alert!!!