last time i broke my camera it was bc of an unfortunate accident including water and my friend brakell. no warranty. purchased new camera.

so 5 months later i was at brakell's wedding and my camera is now broken due to an unfortunate accident including a nice stranger who agreed to take our picture and butter fingers. purchased warranty. WOOP WOOP.

so while best buy is taking care of business ("every day!") i shall have no pictures to post. none of me & b-rad at blue man having a wicked awesome time, no pictures of cute small children, and no pics of hanging out in vegas with brighton & juston, and DEFINITELY no pictures of brakell ever bc she's bad luck with my cameras.

the end.

2 idears & thinks:

brightonislove said...

It made you lose everything we took?! Sad sad day. Stupid me for once AGAIN forgetting my camera when playing with you

Leon said...

Good on ya for buying the warranty. I did on my camera. Didn't on the one before. Never had problems with it. I'm sure you wanted to know that.