To Lindsey & the President of her Fan Club, Jon, and Brakell & the President of her Fan Club, Trevor:

"Generally, lack of sleep may result in:
aching muscles, blurred vision, depression, colorblindness, decreased mental activity and concentration, weakened immune system, dizziness, dark circles under the eyes, fainting, general confusion, hallucinations, headache, hyperactivity, hypertension, impatience, irritability, memory lapses or loss, nausea, psychosis-like symptoms, pallor, slowed reaction time , slurred and/or nonsensical speech, sore throat, weight loss or gain, severe yawning, delirium."

Your Brains

Side effects of time NOT spent sleeping:
Happiness, pure loveydovey bliss, friendships that want nothing in return, cranium rematches where girls always win, movies, Golden Spoon, signs, talking, extended evening curbside chats, swimming, soccer, softball, Sonic, cuddling, intense and prolonged laughing, smiling, hot tubbing, driving, hanging out, quiet star gazing, relfection, cheesecake eating, fighting with otter pops, snacking on carrots, victory dancing, silly ridiculousness, blogging, disneyworld trip planning & dreaming, walking, playing, extreme teasing, joking and general hilarity having the best time ever!!


2 idears & thinks:

Danielle said...

you and your brain have quite the correspondence ;)

liNdsEYloO said...

we DO spend alot of time together.