wake up: 6:45 and not tired- hooray!
get to work early- have office all to my lonesome.
get stuff done. be productive.
take mail down to box.

realize locked self out of office...

make laps up & down the stairs(why not burn calories while you wait?) waiting for our maintenance guy to come let me in. maintenance guy gets there. he does not have correct master.

talk about religion for 45 min waiting for OTHER guy to come with other keys.

get into office an hour and ten min later.
phone rings about 100 times. have a ton to do.
boss calls says i can go home at noon. WOOT!
finish up and finally leave @ 12:45.

get home. cook lunch. look at pics from europe.
take an hour nap.
go on hour walk.
relax and talk to my roommate.
clean room. do dishes. and it's not even 5 yet!

get all showered and cute with cute new FREE pants.
go on a REAL double date.

i love Good Friday.

and i didn't even eat any meat!! ;) wink.

0 idears & thinks: