this week i had the sublime opportunity to be cell phone free. seriously. as in mobile phone device-less.
sunday i was annoyed, monday had separation anxiety, tuesday i was a-okay and by wednesday i was loving the freedom!
how and why you CAN survive without a cell phone!!
  • if you feel like you will miss things and be disconnected to people because of your lack of phonage- get facebook, myspace, twitter, email, or gchat. you will miss very little. (unless you are at your bf's house and he is at yours at the same time. in which case, yes, you will miss each other.)
  • if you are feeling unloved and unconnected, call or text all your family and friends, then turn your phone off for 4 days. when you turn it on again will have many a text and voicemail and you will feel SO popular. "popular, i know about pop-u-lar."
  • it is imperative that you make your messages clear and concise when sending them through another person. you may end up with a train wreck like that whispering game. you may think you are telling them to convey the message of "meet at my house by the garage at 9:30" and end up with "i'm eating mouse for dinner at 6. and purple cabbage."
  • embrace your new found freedom. run with it. revel in the fact that when you drive home from work if you get a flat tire, run out of gas or get in an accident, there is NO way for you to get hold of someone. don't worry if your sister just had a baby, i'm sure she knows you love her if you don't call for 4 days. BUT best of all, if you want to be left in PEACE- no ward mass text messages, no drama, and just the lovely sound of your own music playing in your head- trust me. lose your phone. you'll love it. :)

2 idears & thinks:

Danielle said...

sorry, don't buy it... i NEED my phone... i mean, I could give it up anytime... i'm sure i could... i just.. don't want to.. I'm sure I could... but I won't!! Geez, just talking about this is giving me the shakes..

Kelli said...

I likey the new picture and background! I couldn't live without a cell phone you are crazy. . . Plus I know the real reason you didn't call back is because you don't know my number by heart. Sadface. :P What kind of friend are you?