when we worked at leavitt, merzy & i had a daily routine. everyday we would email 5 good things about our day, and the other would reply with their 5 things. this was ESPECIALLY necessary when it seemed to be a day when there was NOTHING good. some days required 10 things to prove our gratitude to the heavens and othertimes, the day was just so filled with lovely things that 5 just wasn't enough!! :)

my 5 things:
1. i have a great job & job security. i'm VERY lucky.
2. my two legs love to walk around HB everyday enjoying the crisp ocean air.
3. brad makes me laugh- whether the joke is actually funny or i'm just laughing at him, there's ne'er a day that goes by without multiple giggles. for example, he bought a energy drink on "clearance" this morning- shouldn't that be an indicator of why you should NOT drink it- and spent his next appointment shaking like a drug addict on withdrawal. he was trying to point to prices on a piece of paper and his hand couldn't stop moving! no WONDER she said "no!" when he asked to use the restroom... she probably figured he needed to shoot up! BAHA!
4. my boss has been out at appointments all day, which means my pandora radio has been gleefully playing at my desk a little louder than usual. (try "Tristan Prettyman" radio. it's lovely!)
5. merzy & i exchanged an email today that was shamefully honest & HILARIOUS.
6. i sat out in the sun reading a book my father lent me on my lunch. hopefully a slight tan & spiritual growth will be consequences!
7. i'm wearing flat shoes to work today. no, i'm serious, this is made the list! too many days of stilletos and heels in a row!

anyway. :)

4 idears & thinks:

Meredith said...

we should do 5 things still.

and that email WAS naughty and absolutely necessary. :)

amberd. said...

you're a funny kid. And anytime someone talks about honesty and laughing in an email...it always leads me to believe it has something to do with sex. Perhaps not. But if you're anything like me, then it's an absolute yes. Keep smiling! I like it!

brightonislove said...

yes. i think so too. i think you should share said email :) laughing might be a good thing for me right now.

Leon said...
