lil shetland pony.
do you ever feel like you are just so different than everyone around you?? i just feel so odd-out sometimes. and why does everyone think that you should like & want to do everything else everyone else does??

like apparantly i'm the only single person who DOESN'T want to be proposed to in front of 17,000 people at a concert (like that chick @ rascal flatts on saturday. great concert, btw.). when i said so, INVARIABLY everyone said "yeah, you do! you'd love it!"
actually, no. i wouldn't. at all. i'd hate it.

i hate clubbing. i got over the wanting-to-be-close-to-other-people's-sweat-thing like at 17.

i don't like sleeping in on a saturday, no matter how late i stayed up.

i don't like how flowers smell. i think they stink. and going along with that, i hate smelly lotions, sprays perfumes, deodorants, etc. aveeno natural scent-free all the way. when people say "doesn't this smell so good!?" & shove lotion or a candle in my face and i reply with "yep!" I'M LYING.

i don't actually enjoy watching tv. not really at all. i do it to be social & cuddle, but i'd rather be reading a book or cooking or out for a walk or bike ride or just talking or anything else.

i've never seen an episode of the bachelor or bachelorette and never intend to. if you want to watch drama in dating unfold- go to a single's ward. ;)

ANNNNNND i like the new facebook. *shocking!*

i'm different. and at the end of the day, i like myself anyway! the end.

4 idears & thinks:

brightonislove said...

I TOTALLY agree about the whole proposal in front of people. If juston would have done it in front of lots of people I may have said no ;). Hehe. But really. I'm so glad he did it when we were alone.

Aubrey Messick said...

hahaha!!! i am your polar opposite...but you know what they say: "Opposites attract!" We're gonna have sooo much fun in london and paris...just you wait. :)

Aubrey Messick said...

oh wait...except for the whole being proposed to in front of a million people at a concert. i would NOT like that.

CoCo said...

different is good.