the other day, while "facebooking"(don't roll your eyes it's a prefectly socially acceptable thing to do now a days) i decided to look up some old friends. and i mean old friends. like nj friends... from middle school... and elementary. first and second grade to be exact.
well you will never guess who i found! the boy i held hands with on the band bus in 8th grade, the boy i wanted to kiss @ spin the bottle in 9th but never got the chance, the girl i sat next to in homeroom, the girl who distracted me in algebra 2 and because of her i got a C+ first quarter(which became a B in vegas haha suckers), and last but not least, my friend Joey who lived around the corner and who was my friend in 1st and 2nd grade.
it is this joey who is the reason(by degrees) for my first childhood trauma.
his name was peanut. he was beautiful. sleek, shiny, small, squeeked, and the best chinese hampster ever. he was joey's pet, and when i went over to play we'd get him out of his cage in the mudroom connecting the garage to the kitchen where it was always dark (i felt so bad for him).
then one magical day...
she brought him to me!!
joey's mom was always bringing me lunch at school when she brought something for joey, and i remember just thinking she was the greatest friend mom ever! she told my mom they never played with him anyway, so thus little peanut became my first real pet!! HOORAY! can mrs vanaman be cooler!? i mean, she gave me a hampster!? i'm 6 and this is the best moment of my life thus far.
i took him with me EVERYWHERE. he would sit on my lap or my shoulder and hang out. i think he enjoyed the extra attention and light our new relationship offered. with peanut, the sun shone brighter and all the world was better! i had day dreams that he would live forever and i could teach him tricks (not kidding) and then joey would want him back bc he'd be so cool!! i vowed i would never give him back. ever.
it was a saturday. i woke up and i distictly remember it was when we were building the wall that would forever split the big room in half leaving one side for me. i got peanut out of his cage and walked downstairs. i remember it was early and the sun was up. i ate my frosted mini-wheats and watched as peaut gleefully ran up and down the bench to our kitchen table. i finished my bowl and my mom told me something(maybe i can blame her, too) and i ran upstairs to go watch the excitement as they painted the wall(again keep in mind i'm 6).
...hours pass.
i go to get peanut out of his cage and
wait no. he'd on the bench where i left him. i run downstairs and he's not on the bench. how did he get off!!??
in panic i go to my mother and family, to whom little sympathy is given for my worried little heart. we look. for days. then finally...we find him. and to my horror the only thing i remember is kevin laughing and saying(he is a lot to blame for this childhood horror story, too) "look you can see its spine!!!"
i cried.
poor peanut, the frigerator fan will getcha everytime.
blast joey for not loving him enough, my mother for distracting me, kevin for being insensitive and me for being 6.
the end.

2 idears & thinks:

Erika said...

Wow, great story Lindsey! I mean, stuff like that really messes up your psyche for life. It explains a lot...j/k! lol!

Danielle said...

*sniff* poor peanut.. blast you for telling that story and making me sad!! *sniff*