i LOVE doing nothing. i like thinking about doing nothing, driving to do nothing and even laughing at old times when we did NOTHING!!
let me illustrate:
i take last load from my house and pile on my mom's floor to be sorted and organized another day bc i have to move out TODAY and drive to utah TOMORROW. debate on where to eat dinner. decide no food, just a drink sounds good on a hot vegas evening.
jon and i drive to tropical smoothie. get 4 smoothies. they come in one of those good carrying kind of take out things for drinks- it has a handle! rocking out to track #2 of some kid's love mix, and get succesfully through 2 of 3 roundabouts... (you see where this is going). third hits. we arrive at jordi's with ZERO out of 4 smoothies and jon's car smells like strawberry raspberry orange. :) i'm sure a shampoo is forthcoming.
sit on jordi's large brown ridiculously comfortable couch. me and brighton decide we STILL want smoothies!! drive back. it's 930. it closes at 9. go to nearby grocery store, buy frozen fruit (they come in those convenient carry things called UNOPENED BAGS!) and milk and get back all spill free!! make smoothies. (what the boys don't know if me and brighton have both had 3-4 hours of sleep, so after i stick my ENTIRE hand in the vitamix...(yes entire hand) we serve to 5 (even though both of us kept counting only 4...) friends.
the boys are in the study playing with guns. large ones. jon reenacts raiding a house and the guns get bigger and scarier each one they pick up and pretend to play halo with. trevor even boasts he could kill chuck norris with one he's holding. AHAHAAH (seriously?? chuck, you could take him, i know.)
trevor jon jordi brighton and me sit and watch wipe out. not kidding if you haven't seen it WATCH IT! stupid and a definite 10 on the entertainment mark. merzy shows up hooray!! she's never watch wipe out with us before and we all laugh. and laugh. and have a generally good time. "good night and big balls."
shows over.
we exchange heartfelt hugs and drive to our various beds and locations.
"lindsey, what did you do yesterday?"
"oh nothing :)"

6 idears & thinks:

Anonymous said...

bahahaha oh, the smoothie part made me laugh. oh and after we had both licked off the HUGE spoon and the little spoon quite a few times. and spilled it in the sugar.

i love doing nothing :D

Meredith said...

yes yes and yes. that was fun, and you'll probably love this time you've had to do nothing even if you wondered where you were going to work....

yay for $50K for the preschool teacher!

trevor might not be able to kill chuck norris with a gun, but i would be able to kill chuck norris with my evil eye.

and yay for doing nothing in CA on saturdays and weekday evenings a la beach!

does she care for olives?

Leon said...

I have absolutely nothing to say to this post! Ha!

PS Miss ur face too. :P

ashley said...

i dont know why people like to be busy all day because to me its the days where i have nothing planned that end up being the best :)

ashley said...

ps i think its funny that you are friends with brighton. i like her. kelli told me about it the other day. random.

The Watson's said...

The "big balls" never get old do they?! and the sound effects of people falling off the "big balls" HILARIOUS!!