i'm reading eat pray love by elizabeth gilbert. lately on my lunch i have left the office, taken a blanket and my book and driven to the park that is on the same block. i literally sit in the sun for an hour reading, completely absorbed in my own thoughts and the thoughts budding from reading this book and relax. today i read a section of the book about the origins of the italian language. did you know it came from dante?! who knew! she quotes dante's divine comedy; the last part of the book where he faces the vision of God Himself. dante's description of Him is the title of this blog. it took me a minute to recover from the shock of it fitting so well, as i sat in the sunshine feeling the warmth of the sun, the breeze on my back and the grass between my toes. i could do nothing but sit smile and be filled.

2 idears & thinks:

Danielle said...

hey! i LOVE that book :D Lets move to Italy for 3 months then go stay in an Ashram :)

Danielle said...

oh, and i wanted to say how i loved how she said that it's not selfish to find yourself..